All members of the Greyhounds Track and Field Club will be expected to adhere to the following rules and guidelines at all Club activities on or off the track.
The Club has three common sense rules:
In accordance with these rules, the Club offers the following guidelines. At any Greyhound Track Club function, practice, or competition, members must not:
To be absolutely clear, the term assault includes, but is not limited to, hitting, slapping, spitting, kicking or otherwise striking others with any part of the body or any object. The term abuse refers to a range of actions, including threats, insults or gestures, which impact the safety and wellbeing of others.
Any member observed by an Executive member to be in breach of Club rules at any Club event will be asked by that Executive member to leave the event. The offending member will receive written documentation regarding their misconduct and will be suspended from the Club pending an investigation and hearing.
Any member with concerns about the conduct of another member should express these concerns to that member. The member may then bring his concerns to the attention of the Greyhound Executive or the Head Coach in a private setting. The President and at least one other member of the Executive will then meet with the member in question and attempt to remedy the situation in a manner consistent with the Greyhound Code of Conduct. By following this procedure, the Executive will uphold the rules and guidelines and, at the same time, protect the Club or any of its members from liability for defamation.
Any member found by the Executive to be in violation of Club Code of Conduct will have his/her membership revoked and be obliged to forfeit all Club fees and dues. Any right of appeal for the member will be at the discretion of the Executive.
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