Urith Hayley
At our recent AGM on April 2, 2016 Harold Morioka announced that he was stepping down as Head Coach after 17 years. The baton now passes to Sam Walker.
Coach Sam has this message for all of the Greyhounds:
As your new head coach, I wanted to recap what I had mentioned at this years AGM for those that were unable to attend.
First and foremost, a sincere and heartfelt "THANK YOU" to Harold for the many years dedicated to the Greyhounds club. Thank you for your time and commitment, passion, care and concern, knowledge and humour. It is an honour to have had Harold as a mentor of which, I have learned immensely. Harold promoted an atmosphere of growth, knowledge and fun. It is my intent to follow the same path. In addition to supporting our club's mission for athlete health and well-being, I will work towards promoting forward movement within the club, athleticism and team unification.
Harold cared for many aspects of the club duties such as athlete registration. Should any changes be necessary, information will be sent out. Harold will continue to coach during the week but it may become a little more relaxed as time progresses.
Athlete performances will still be maintained and recorded at the meets and for our Greyhound’s award banquet. The male/female top performance info will continue to be updated as well. We have minimal coaches but an attempt to have someone present (at the various track and field meets we attend throughout the year) will be something to work towards. Overall every attempt to ensure a smooth transition will occur.
Following in Harold's footsteps will definitely be a challenge in itself but I have accepted this and am passionate about the sport. I look forward to working with you all.See you out on the track & field!
Coach Sam