BC Athletics 2020 Awards

Urith Hayley

Each year, BC Athletics presents awards to outstanding volunteers/administrators, officials, coaches and athletes.  In place of the usual banquet ceremony, this year (due to COVID-19) recognition was done over social media.

Attached is a list of our very own Greyhounds recognized by BC Athletics:

Urith Hayley: Securing funds that allowed the purchase of 47 tablets for senior homes to help seniors stay active and connected during COVID, BC Athletics is pleased to recognize Urith Hayley as providing Outstanding Service as an Administrator!

Sam Walker:  Focused not only on teaching proper mechanics but inspiring his athletes to perform at their highest level, and break records along the way, BC Athletics is pleased to recognize Sam Walker for his Outstanding Service as a Coach in 2020!

Renate Cheetham:  We bet you can’t walk a mile in her shoes! Renate Cheetham set a new CANADIAN record in the W80 1 Mile Racewalk.  Congratulations Renate on this Outstanding Athletic Performance.

Lenore Montgomery: Committed to staying #ActiveForLife, this athlete set a new WORLD Record in the W90 1500m plus a CANADIAN Record in the W90 800m!  Congratulations to Lenore Montgomery on these Outstanding Athletic Performances in 2020. 

Dmitry Babenko: This speedster race-walked to a new NATIONAL CANADIAN record in the M45 1 Mile Racewalk in 2020!  Congratulations to Dmitry Babenko on this Outstanding Athletic Performance.